
What is an electrocardiogram?

心电图(ECG或EKG)是用来评估心脏的最简单和最快的测试之一. Electrodes (small, 贴在皮肤上的塑料贴片被放置在胸部的某些部位, arms, and legs. 电极通过导线连接到心电图机上. 然后测量、解释并打印出心脏的电活动. No electricity is sent into the body.

自然的电脉冲协调心脏不同部位的收缩,保持血液正常流动. 心电图记录下这些脉冲以显示心脏跳动的速度, 心跳的节奏(稳定的或不规则的), 以及电脉冲通过心脏不同部位的时间. 心电图的变化可能是许多心脏相关疾病的征兆.

Why might I need an electrocardiogram?


  • To look for the cause of chest pain

  • To evaluate problems that may be heart-related, such as severe tiredness (fatigue), shortness of breath, dizziness, or fainting

  • To identify irregular heartbeats

  • 帮助在手术前评估心脏的整体健康状况, such as surgery; after treatment for a heart attack (myocardial infarction), 心内膜炎(一个或多个心脏瓣膜的炎症或感染), or other condition; or after heart surgery or cardiac catheterization

  • To see how an implanted pacemaker is working

  • 找出某些心脏药物的效果

  • 为了在体检中获得心脏功能的基线追踪, which can be compared with future ECGs


What are the risks of an electrocardiogram?

心电图是一种快速、简便的评估心脏功能的方法. Risks associated with ECG are minimal and rare.

You won't feel anything during the ECG. 当粘性电极被取下时,你可能会感到一些不适. 如果电极贴片放置时间过长,可能会引起皮肤刺激.

根据您的具体医疗状况,可能会有其他风险. 请务必在测试前与您的提供者讨论任何问题.

某些因素或条件可能会干扰或影响心电图的结果. These include:

  • Obesity

  • Anatomical considerations, 比如胸腔的大小以及心脏在胸腔中的位置

  • Movement during the test

  • Exercise or smoking before the test

  • Certain medicines

  • 电解质失衡,如血液中钾、镁或钙过多或过少

How do I get ready for an electrocardiogram?

  • 您的医疗保健提供者或技术人员将向您解释测试并允许您提出问题.

  • 一般来说,测试前不需要禁食(不吃东西).

  • 告诉你的医生所有的处方药和非处方药, vitamins, herbs, and supplements that you take.

  • Tell your provider if you have a pacemaker.

  • 根据您的医疗状况,您的医生可能会要求您进行其他特定的准备.

What happens during an electrocardiogram?

心电图可以在门诊进行,也可以作为住院的一部分. 步骤可能会根据您的情况和您的医生的做法而有所不同.

Generally, an ECG follows this process:

  1. 您将被要求摘掉任何可能干扰测试的珠宝或其他物品.

  2. 你会被要求脱掉腰部以上的衣服. 您将获得一件床单或长袍,以便在测试过程中只暴露必要的皮肤.

  3. You'll lie flat on a table or bed for the test. 做心电图时,躺着别动,不要说话,这很重要, so that you don’t change the results.

  4. If your chest, arms, or legs are very hairy, 技术人员可能会剃掉或剪掉一小块头发,这样电极就会粘在你的皮肤上.

  5. 电极将连接在你的胸部、手臂和腿部.

  6. 导线将连接到电极上.

  7. Once the leads are attached, 技术人员可能会将你的识别信息输入机器的计算机.

  8. The ECG will be started. 跟踪只需要很短的时间就可以完成.

  9. 一旦追踪完成,技术人员将断开引线并移除电极.

What happens after an electrocardiogram?

你应该能够恢复正常的饮食和活动, unless your provider tells you differently.


Tell your provider if you have any chest pain, shortness of breath, dizziness, fainting, or other symptoms that you had before the ECG.


Next steps


  • The name of the test or procedure

  • The reason you're having the test or procedure

  • What results to expect and what they mean

  • The risks and benefits of the test or procedure

  • 可能的副作用或并发症是什么

  • 你要在何时何地做检查或检查

  • 谁来做测试或程序,那个人的资格是什么

  • 如果你不做检查或手术会怎么样

  • 有没有其他的测试或程序可以考虑

  • When and how you'll get the results

  • 在测试或程序后,如果您有疑问或问题,可以打电话给谁

  • 你需要支付多少检查或程序的费用

Stay on Top of Your Heart Health

如果你有新的或已有的心脏问题,去看医生是至关重要的. 我们的心脏健康检查表可以帮助您确定何时寻求治疗.

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